Do You Have a Locksmiths Number in Your Phone?

Phil, the head locksmith @ Abacus Locksmiths

Do you have a locksmiths number in your phone?

Imagine from a moment you’re locked outside of your house. Your battery only has a few percent left and you’ve been out all night and it’s now 2am.

You know that if you use your data to try to find a locksmith on Google then you’re most likely going to see your phone die before you can make a phone call.

Having a locksmith number in your phone is one of the most valuable things you can have if you ever get into a situation like this.

Stop reading right now and save 01202 287055 into your phone under Abacus locksmith Bournemouth. That is our number and you can call us if you are ever in a lockout situation.

We can help deal with any Lookout situation. It does not matter what you’re dealing with. If you’re in an emergency situation we can be there within 30 minutes.

It’s doesn’t matter if you are lockout of your car, home or business. Nor does it matter what time of the day it is as we can help 24/7.

Another great reason to have our number in your phone it’s the pace of mind. Imagine the situation that was mentioned just above. You got home and you realiae you’ve lost your keys. Then suddenly you remember you have our number saved in your phone. You see that your battery only has a few percent but you know that you have enough battery power to make a phone call.

That is peace of mind is something that money cannot buy!

Save 01202 287055 in your phone right now as your preferred Bournemouth emergency locksmith.

Is Your Garage Door Vulnerable in Your Home Security Setup?

Do you think your home is pretty secure?

You have had a locksmith come out to the property and all your locks are taken care of. You have a CCTV Security system in place that is monitored. And your windows and safe and secure.

But what about your garage door?

A garage door can actually be a huge safety concern. In this quick article today we are going to cover one of the most overlooked aspects of a home security.

Why is the Garage Overlooked?

The reality is that most home owners are never going to see a garage door as a vulnerable point in their home. Most garage doors can be lifted up with a little bit of force. Or they can be smashed in if locked and then crawled under.

A garage is generally a place to store your car at night and to keep random things like tools push bicycles. But the danger comes with the door that is connect to the inside of you home. For the most part once someone is inside the garage the door that leads into the house is not very strong or secure. And generally that same door has the same weak locking system that say a bedroom door has.

Replacing a garage door can be a very costly exercise that most people will not happen to have the budget to deal with.

The Solution – Secure That Door Leading into the House

The solution lies in the door that leads into your home from the garage. This door should be treated the exact same way as you would treat any exterior door on your property.

The best thing to do is to have a locksmith come out to your property in order to asses the door as they will be able to tell you what options you have.

They might let you know that the door that you have installed isn’t suitable for a heavy duty deadbolt locking mechanism. So you might have to end up replacing that door before you can put a strong a lock on it. This is still much better than the cost of replacing a garage door. And that can cost an arm and a leg!

The other situation is that the door that leads into your home is quiet strong and sturdy.  So it can have a good deadbolt system installed. In this case you’re just going to be paying a locksmith for installing the deadbolt and it will be much cheaper.

Bonus Solution – Security Lighting

One of the things that you can do is to have motion sensitive security lighting installed. The best place to install motion sensitive security lighting is by your front door and in front of your garage. Just this alone will deter would be robbers.

If you would like us to come out to your property to asses your garage door then call us on 01202 287055 or head back to our home page at to see all the services we offer.

How to Tell if a Lock Has Been Tampered With

It’s never good news to find out that your home or business has had a break-in attempt.

That’s why it’s always a good idea to know what to look for with an attempted break-in so you can go about making any adjustments you need such as getting a professional locksmith such as Abacus Locksmiths to do a security audit.

If you have suspected a break in the first thing you should do is to check the locks on the property.

To be able to do this and know that a failed break-in took place there’s a few things you’re going to need to know about so you can look out for them.

Locks No Longer Functions Correctly

One of the most common things to happen is that lock all of a sudden does not work as it should. This does not necessarily mean a break-in took place but if there is nothing wrong with your lock and all of a sudden it has issues the next day then you may have had a failed break-in.

What break-in artist generally try to do is use a tactic called bumping.

In simple terms bumping is using a key which fits in the lock but is not the exact key. And then after that key is inserted into the lock the lock is hit with something hard. For example a hammer is used and this can potentially allow the tumblers to release the lock.

A Scratched Lock

A really obvious indicator of a failed break-in is scratches on a lock. If all of a sudden you come back to your property and a lock has been completely scratched up it can be reason for suspicion.

The reasoning behind this is very simple. When someone tries to pick a lock they are going to end up scratching. Most lock pick sets are metal so you’ve got metal scratching against metal. So naturally it’s a very easy way to determine that someone tried to pick a lock. If you use the normal key for the lock you’re never going to scratch anything.

Another way to break into a lock is with a screwdriver or something with a sharp point. All of these will generally leave scratches on the surface of the lock.

A Damaged Lock

Another method to get a look open is just by brute force.

Everyone has seen the movies where the hammers or other heavy devices smash locks off doors. Inexperienced robbers who don’t know who to pick locks or get into a house using a more covert methods resort of smashing locks. So a damaged lock is an easy way to tell an attempted break-in took place.

Hopefully the short article was helpful and if you see any of the signs on any failed entrance on your property there is definitely reason to be suspicious. The best thing to do is to call a locksmith to come out to your property to do a security check to make sure that everything is in order to prevent further break-ins.